How to Submit to The Queer Love Project
The Queer Love Project is open for submissions from all interested writers. We publish essays that are original and not previously published on any other platforms.
Topics: We accept personal essays that reveal heartbreaks, happiness, secrets, reflections on coming out, sexual encounters and the realities of dating. The intersection of families and other versions of “love” all make sense to answer the question: “What do you know about love?” There should be a clear take away from the experience, so it’s not just an anecdote but shows that there was some growth or lesson learned. Think “Modern Love”—but only queer stories.
How to Pitch: You must be a subscriber to pitch! (It’s free so go ahead and click that button if you haven’t already.)
Pitches should include a working headline (it’s a good idea to use that in your subject line as well), two to three paragraphs that summarize (outline) why the story matters. Also give a bit of biographical information—which means that you should tell us a little about who you are and why you're the right person to write this story. Is it pegged to a current event or something people are talking about? Make sure to include that as well.
Format: Attach your completed essay as a word doc and also paste it in the body of the email below your pitch. Use Times New Roman or Arial font at 12pt for ease of reading.
Word length: 1,200-2,000 words is ideal. Longer is OK!
When to expect a reply: We hope to reply within 5 days from first submission. Do not follow up before that time. We hope to offer feedback and edits for your essay. If you haven’t heard back within 7 days, please feel free to reply to your original email so that it is threaded with your original pitch email.
We do not publish: Any content that was written by or with the assistance of generative AI
How can I contact the Queer Love Project?
To contact the Queer Love Project and Editor Jerry Portwood
email us at